Farewell to Landlines

Ever since the Internet stepped out of large business and into our homes it has always piggybacked onto our telephone lines. It was an easy choice with BT cables running to almost every house in the country and, for most of us, only used for very short periods of time as we chatted to friends. […]
Missing Features

Printers have certainly evolved over the years from the early dot matrix type which produced barely legible text from an array of black dots to the multi colour photographic quality laser version which no longer need a mortgage to acquire. Along with the basic print quality changes printers now have a bewildering range of advanced […]
Gmail Security

Google Mail, to use it’s original name, has been the obvious choice for many users especially if you can register and use your own name. As it’s free and comes with a decent amount of message space Gmail useage has become widespread across the Internet and an easy target for hackers and other ‘bad actors’. […]
Windows 11

I’m sure you’ll all remember Microsoft telling us only a few years ago that Windows 10 would be the last version of the World’s most popular computer operating system. Indeed the system of bi-annual major updates appeared to support that statement as new features appeared alongside fixes and security improvements each Spring and Autumn. For […]
Easing Lockdown

With the ending of lockdown restrictions and some semblance of a return to normal here’s an update on how DISC are helping make this process as simple as possible. Throughout the COVID crisis DISC have ensured customers still have functioning computer systems especially as we have all become more reliant on them! Sometimes it’s been […]
New desktop?

With Christmas on the way is this the time to be thinking about a new computer?
Lockdown 2 – update

Don’t despair – we’re here to help!
COVID-19 restrictions

The lockdown has seen the Internet become even more essential as people strive to stay in touch with family and friends without increasing the risk of spreading this awful disease around. Video systems like Skype and Zoom have been great fun for both business and personal use although the Internet has been groaning under the […]
Laser Printers

Colour laser printers are becoming much more cost effective for small businesses and home office workers. Is the time right to upgrade your printer? Since computer became widespread in the late 80’s and early 90’s laser printers have always held the top positions for quality and speed of print. Unfortunately this came at a high […]
Computer Security

The best security most users can have for their computer is a good backup system. This means whatever happens to your computer your data files are safe. Of course you should periodically check the backup you’ve created to make sure it’s going to perform the restore operation on that awful occasion it’s actually required. The […]