Winter 2018 saw the release of WordPress 5 which brings a totally new editing system to your website.
It’s now much easier to achieve the look you want on your pages with design blocks. Add text, images and media items wherever you need them and then move them around with just a click of the mouse. Here’s the WordPress description of the new system;
“Blocks treat Paragraphs, Headings, Media, and Embeds all as components that, when strung together, make up the content stored in the WordPress database, replacing the traditional concept of freeform text with embedded media and shortcodes. The new editor is designed with progressive enhancement, meaning that it is back-compatible with all legacy content, and it also offers a process to try to convert and split a Classic block into equivalent blocks using client-side parsing. Finally, the blocks offer enhanced editing and format controls.”
All in all an exciting new way forward to achieve the look and feel you want for you regularly updated news and blog pages!